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    Graduate Reduced Course Load Request Form

    • I understand that my enrollment may not fall below 6 credit hours at any time during employment as a graduate assistant. 
    • If approved, in-state tuition for only the exact number of credit hours of enrollment will be applied to my bill. If my course load increases, I will contact the Student Financial Services Office immediately. 
    • This request must be submitted for each semester that a course load below 12 credit hours is requested. 
    To be completed by Graduate Assistant Supervisor:
    I certify that the above student's assistantship position is either housed in their exact graduate program or area of study OR falls under another department that is equivalent to an assistantship within the student's graduate program area. I understand that the following criteria must be met in order for this request to be approved: 1.)  Graduate Assistantship is approved for funding 2.) The Assistantship was searched per SUNY Plattsburgh processes and procedures 3.) The original search yielded no candidates who meet all criteria  4.) A new Assistantship search (if applicable) for current/incoming graduate students yielded no candidates who meet all criteria
    To be completed by Graduate Program Coordinator or Department Chair:
    I certify that the above student's assistantship position is either housed in their exact graduate program or area of study OR falls under another department that is equivalent to an assistantship within the student's graduate program area. I understand that the following criteria must be met in order for this request to be approved: 1.)  Graduate Assistantship is approved for funding 2.) The Assistantship was searched per SUNY Plattsburgh processes and procedures 3.) The original search yielded no candidates who meet all criteria  4.) A new Assistantship search (if applicable) for current/incoming graduate students yielded no candidates who meet all criteria
    To be completed by Dean (of Student's Academic Program)
    I certify that the above student's assistantship position is either housed in their exact graduate program or area of study OR falls under another department that is equivalent to an assistantship within the student's graduate program area. I understand that the following criteria must be met in order for this request to be approved: 1.)  Graduate Assistantship is approved for funding 2.) The Assistantship was searched per SUNY Plattsburgh processes and procedures 3.) The original search yielded no candidates who meet all criteria  4.) A new Assistantship search (if applicable) for current/incoming graduate students yielded no candidates who meet all criteria
    To be completed by Director of Graduate Admissions
    I certify that the following exception criteria have been met: 1.) Graduate Assistantship is approved for funding 2.) The Assistantship was searched per SUNY Plattsburgh processes and procedures 3.) The original search yielded no candidates who meet all criteria  4.) A new Assistantship search (if applicable) for current/incoming graduate students yielded no candidates who meet all criteria
    Vice President of Division Where GA Position is Located
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